Our Process

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Our service covers all aspects of your moving process, and we’ll support you in whatever way you need it.

Our five-step process is designed to identify what areas you need assistance with, where we can help, and to ensure you get the right advice when your circumstances change. 

1. Listen
This is an initial meeting which can take place via video call, telephone call or via our secure online client system. We’ll find out what is important to you, what your current circumstances are, and establish the areas you feel you need help with.
2. Research
The next stage is to analyse your current position and research the most suitable lender and product for you. Once we find this, we will arrange a meeting to present to you.
3. Application
When you decide to go ahead, we’ll complete the application with the lender on your behalf, taking the stress away from you.
4. Progress
At this stage, we will progress your application right through to completion. We’ll handle the whole process from start to finish, guiding you through each step.
5. Reviews
At this point, you will be happily settled in your new home. So, all that is left to do is review your arrangements when your current mortgage rate expires and ensure you continue to get the best deal.